Become the Lean factory everybody wants.

Do you want an outstanding, high performing factory, everybody wants?

Is factory cost an issue?

Manufacturing is about producing the right product, at the right time, at the right cost. 
Getting a quality product out the door, at the right time, for an acceptable cost is often a challenge. 

Is factory performance how you want it to be?

Knowing how to improve factory performance can be a problem.  Every factory is different, and has unique challenges.  There are plenty of tools and approaches out there – lots of advice, but which is right for your factory?

Frustrated by levels of efficiency, waste or output?

Breakdowns, planning, poor line performance all contribute to line efficiency losses – causing problems that compound.  Throwaway and giveaway cost the factory eye-watering amounts.  Not hitting output when needed means lost sales and unhappy customers.  All this builds pressure to get the right solution in place, quickly!

Factory improvement knowledge should be available to everyone

We care about your factory

We’ve all worked in factories – we know how difficult the day to day challenges are.  We want to make sure that you have access to the right approaches, specific for your factory.  Like you, we’ve been frustrated about achieving great factory performance.


Our Clients

Find out your factory score

Complete our scorecard to find out how your factory stands today, right now:

Factory Scorecard

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60% of UK factories are at risk of closure

(Make UK 2022)


No factory needs to close – improve now before it is too late!

We offer a complete factory cost diagnostic that will ensure you have the right approach and continuous improvement plan. 

Book an introductory call today, and start the journey to achieve the factory everybody wants.


Become a high performing, lean factory.

We can support you to bring excellence into your factory. Let’s talk about becoming the factory everybody wants.

Does your factory have LI:FE in it?

Achieve a smooth running factory, hitting targets, winning more volume.

Recognised as Investors in People Gold.

Latest review: 2023


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