Changeovers can be a headache!

A method to improve them is a fundamental part of any Improvement Toolkit.

The benefits are obvious, but where should you begin?

It should be simple to create a changeover improvement programme:

Changeovers taking too long?  First hour after start-up a bit hit-and-miss?

SMED is a fundamental tool that has been around for decades, but is often under-utilised.

The benefits are huge and an effective SMED programme is essential to achieve factory excellence.

Follow the 7 steps and then do it again.  It is not unusual to achieve a 50% reduction in changeover time for no capital investment.

Navigating succesfully through Lean Six Sigma terminology, and understanding all the different tools out there is a challenge! Look for the right support to find your way.

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Get Started

Discovery Call

Agree Plan

Engage and Roll out

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Crack those issues that have been holding your factory back.

Don't choose an over-complicated tool for changeover time reduction. You want something powerful, but keep it as simple as you can!

Become Expert in Improvement Tools

Put LI:FE into your factory

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