An approach to solve them is a fundamental part of any Improvement Toolkit.
However, which is the right approach for your factory?
It should be simple to work out which the best approach for your situation is:
Observe - Root Cause - Control - Countermeasure
Long-standing problems that never seem to get resolved?
Perhaps you have machine issues that appear and disappear at random?
LI Europe have been using ORCC to fix ‘unsolvable’ problems in factories for over 20 years
Answer the questions to define the problem in detail.
Root Cause
Build a driver tree to identify the root cause(s).
Create a countermeasure table and fix the issues.
Use ERIC to ensure the problem does not return.
ORCC - Problem Solving
Navigating succesfully through Lean Six Sigma terminology, and understanding all the different tools out there is a challenge! Look for the right support to find your way.